Monday, November 5, 2007

Museums Live On!!

Museums in the 21st century have moved from a place of high times respected fine art and the only place one could go to enjoy the experience of viewing famous works of art, to well, its still the same actually. But it has become less of an experience than it had once led on to be. Now, with the introduction of the inter-web and television, art has been exposed to the world, far beyond it has ever been before.

The expansion of museums can actually be the downfall of them on general. Now, this doesn't quite count for the MOMA or the Natural History Museum, but rather for smaller private museums. With expansion comes the obvious influx of people, and thus more money. But When the system is broken down, its not about the money, but rather the sharing of ideas and creativity that made some artists who their names lived on to become in history as the greats of modern art.

Virtual museums might be the solution to the time that we are now living in. That with the technology that is part of our everyday life, it would only make sense to incorporate a computer generated form of a museum for the everyday person to look at rather than making the rip to the actual place. But its been my experience that seeing a work of art in person beats the hell out of seeing it online. Its a completely different experience from seeing in on your computer screen to walking in the presence of something truly great.

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